Star Wars Promo – 1978 TEAC Tape Decks

With the purchase of any TEAC open reel tape recorder, we’ll give you a commemorative set of Star Wars tapes! These specially packaged open reel tapes are a limited edition and are not for sale anywhere. They include the music, sound effects and narration from the film. Your TEAC dealer has all the details but the offer expires April 30, 1978! Oh. Sorry. Guess we missed that great offer.

1978 TEAC Tape Decks - Star Wars Promo

1978 TEAC Tape Decks - Star Wars Promo

I recall that my dear old papa had a reel-to-reel tape deck when I was a wee lad. I must admit that as tape machines go, they certainly did give one the sense of awesome professionalism in a way that cassette tapes just could not touch. Though I daresay they wouldn’t stand a chance if they were really under attack by those x-wing fighters. I’ll bet Vader had a TEAC.


Filed under music equipment

13 responses to “Star Wars Promo – 1978 TEAC Tape Decks

  1. Thanks for sharing this!

    I’m guessing R2-D2 is a Blu-ray kind of droid.

  2. I used to have a reel to reel tape deck – nothing fancy like that though!

  3. I used a reel to reel about 1968 to compliment my growing LP collection. A night of editing and splicing – now that was fun.

  4. Best supporting role for a tape recorder! Awesome heading 🙂

  5. sheafferhistorian

    My father in law has this….

  6. The joy of being born in the 70s. Epic ads. Epic ad.

  7. I always wanted a TEAC but at the time couldn’t afford one. Then I purchased a brilliant Sony. Eventually I let that go in a Garage sale and now I have 100’s of tapes I want to digitise and I’m scouring eBay for a decent deal!
    Great Ads BTW.

    • Rob Slaven

      Yeah, the evolution of formats is horrifying. My dad is still digitizing his vinyl. The march of progress! Thanks for stopping by!

  8. In the 70s those reel to reels were so cool and high tech. I still like their look, and they let you know something is actually going on. Compare that to an MP3 player, playing tunes with bass through a tiny hole in your ear just does not compare to the boom of the bass from one of these Teach through large real woofer speakers. Maybe that is why I am losing hearing now.

  9. If anyone is still reading this blog, I was the one at TEAC that created the promotion and met with the Star Wars team. I was allowed to sort through all the promotional slides and pick out the ones that would be printed in the enclosed book. At that time, they had no idea of the attention this movie would create! Amazing and good people over there.

    • Darko

      Do you happen to know what magazines included the ad? I recently bought the ad that was carefully cut out of a magazine but am looking to get an original magazine complete.

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